
Check-out the source here.

A small Fitbit app for the Ionic that displays bus times for me to reference. The motivation for this project was to see how I could run unit tests when developing, since at the time of writing, the Web-based Fitbit Studio does not lend itself to testing nor to source control and CI processes.


Tests are written in Jest, and can be found in the tests directory. Run them by issuing

JEST=JEST npm test

The weirdness with JEST=JEST is because of some hacks needed to allow the code (including the Jest tests) to be compatible across you development/testing and production environments. You’ll find references to the environment variable weirdness in app/index.js. It’s also explained below in the hope that someone can come up with a better way.

Development Environment

I use Intellij and run the tests with the JEST=JEST added in the run configuration when running Jest.

Environment variable weirdness explained

I wanted the same code for local and Fitbit web-based environments. Needing to reference index.js from the tests directory and noticing that Fitbit does not support some JS directives, I came up with this hack:

// Fitbit does not support process
try {
  // Testing environment
  documentPath = process.env.JEST ?  "../tests/document" : "document";
  clockPath = process.env.JEST ? "../tests/clock" : "clock";
} catch(error) {
  // Production environment
  documentPath = "document";
  clockPath = "clock";

const document = require(documentPath);
const clock = require(clockPath);


// Fitbit does not support module
try {
  module.exports = functions;
} catch(error) { }

Hack #1: Fitbit does not support process so the whole thing is in a try-catch.

Hack #2: If I am local, then use the mock documetn and clock modules in the tests directory, else use the real ones.

Hack #3: If I am in Fitbit, then fail on the process and look for the modules in their production location.

Hack #4: Fitbit does not support module, so catch it out.

Make this shit better!


Knock yourself out.


Yes please.